Good News of the Week – July 17, 2020

Every week, ‘Good News of the Week’ features a curation of positive headlines from San Diego, delivered straight to your inbox. A blend of aggregated stories from San Diego’s most trusted news sources and original EDC-created content, GNOTW provides a comprehensive recap of the region’s best stories from the past week.

For the week of July 17, 2020, here’s what we’re reading:

…and here are the events we’re (virtually) attending:

Case study: BD remains operational amid COVID-19

To help clarify guidelines and confirm BD an essential business, EDC was able to tap into its extensive economic development network in California. Through a connection shepherded by EDC, BD received written clarity that it was an essential business – providing the company with the necessary documentation from the San Jose Mayor and a County Supervisor to assure their workforce could safely and effectively return to work. Through these efforts, EDC was able to lay that groundwork to ensure that there was no disruption in its San Diego operations, as well. Read More.

COVID-19 & San Diego:

Amidst everything happening in the world, we need a reminder that there’s plenty of ‘Good News’ to go around in SD. We have also compiled additional resources for businesses and individuals seeking additional guidance

For businesses:

For individuals:

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Heather Dewis
Heather Dewis

Sr. Manager, Marketing Communications