EDC Blog


Industry Profiles are back…and better

EDC’s Industry Profiles are back…and better than ever. Consistently our most visited pages on the former EDC site, we took some time to give them the refresh they deserved. Not sure what we mean by ‘Industry Profiles’? With breakthrough technology companies and research organizations, the largest military concentration in the world and a strong tourism […]

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A note from Mark: Our commitment to values, not partisanship

“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds…to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all […]

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A look back at Career Exploration Day

Advancing San Diego is a multi-faceted initiative to strengthen relationships between industry and education systems in San Diego. The vision behind the initiative is an environment where more San Diegans have access to quality job opportunities, and employers of all sizes have established effective recruitment partnerships with locally-serving education institutions. In ‘normal’ times, EDC hosts […]

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Good News of the Week – October 30, 2020

Every week, ‘Good News of the Week’ features a curation of positive headlines from San Diego, delivered straight to your inbox. A blend of aggregated stories from San Diego’s most trusted news sources and original EDC-created content, GNOTW provides a comprehensive recap of the region’s best stories from the past week. For the week of […]

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Small business export center instituted at World Trade Center San Diego

Partnership with Small Business Development Center aimed to support San Diego’s small businesses in going global San Diego and Imperial Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has contracted with World Trade Center San Diego (WTCSD) in a unique partnership that will bring an Export Specialty Center to the region, housed at WTCSD. Announced today, the dedicated […]

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Good News of the Week – October 23, 2020

Every week, ‘Good News of the Week’ features a curation of positive headlines from San Diego, delivered straight to your inbox. A blend of aggregated stories from San Diego’s most trusted news sources and original EDC-created content, GNOTW provides a comprehensive recap of the region’s best stories from the past week. For the week of […]

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What Does it Mean for us to Build Better?

Written by Katie Janowiak, Vice President of Communications & Impact, San Diego Grantmakers and Bree Burris, Director of Marketing & Communications, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation We are still buzzing with excitement about our recent joint announcement that San Diego Grantmakers and the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (EDC) are joining forces on […]

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Good News of the Week – October 16, 2020

Every week, ‘Good News of the Week’ features a curation of positive headlines from San Diego, delivered straight to your inbox. A blend of aggregated stories from San Diego’s most trusted news sources and original EDC-created content, GNOTW provides a comprehensive recap of the region’s best stories from the past week. For the week of […]

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San Diego’s Economic Pulse: October 2020

Each month the California Employment Development Department (EDD) releases employment data for the prior month. This edition of San Diego’s Economic Pulse covers September 2020 and reflects some effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the labor market. Check out EDC’s research bureau for more data and stats about San Diego’s economy. Key Takeaways Unemployment falls to […]

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