San Diego’s Good News of the Week – March 10, 2023

Every week, ‘Good News of the Week’ features a curation of positive headlines from San Diego, delivered straight to your inbox. A blend of aggregated stories from San Diego’s most trusted news sources and original EDC-created content, GNOTW provides a comprehensive recap of the region’s best stories from the past week.

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For the week of March 10, 2023, here’s what we’re reading:

…and here are some events and opportunities:

A talent programs update

While companies continue to cut costs and make layoffs in the wake of a highly anticipated recession, the nation’s ratio of available workers to open positions remains less than one-to-one. This means that there are more open positions across the United States than unemployed people available to fill them. It’s time for San Diego to rethink talent pipeline development.

Read More from Taylor Dunne

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